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Testing customer's car

Cisco IP 79XX series telephone:

  1. Press the CFwdAll soft key.  You will hear a confirmation beep.
  2. Dial the forwarding number for all of the calls

       Off campus dial 9 then the full telephone number.

       On campus dial the 4 digit extension

Forwarding all incoming calls to voicemail:

  1. Press the CFwdAll soft key, and the press Messages   button.

Canceling call forwarding:

  1. Press the CFwdAll soft key.

Cisco IP 69XX and 78XX series telephones:

Forwarding all incoming calls to another number:

  1. Press the Fwd All soft key.  You will hear a confirmation beep.
  2. Dial the number to forward all the calls

        Off campus dial 9 then the full telephone number.

        On campus dial the 4 digit extension

Forwarding all incoming calls to voicemail:

  1. Press the  Fwd All soft key, and the press Messages   button.

Canceling call forwarding:

  1. Press the  Fwd Off soft key.


The phone display will be updated to indicate the calls are being forwarded.

  • 47
  • 18-Mar-2020